Sunday, July 27, 2008

Fun fact of the day

I just spent roughly an hour looking at photos of nipples that are cracked from breastfeeding on the Internet. To be honest, all of the women in the photos online are white, and I do not want to convey the message that you need to care for your nipples, otherwise they'll magically turn pink; I want to talk about nipple hygiene, particularly with HIV positive women....grrrr.

Anyways, considering that I have no plans to have a baby in the next decade, I now know a disgusting amount about all aspects of breastfeeding. This presentation has taken forever (portraying the dos/don'ts and costs/benefits of breastfeeding through photos is far more difficult than it first seems), but it will all pay off on the 1st when we start doing the workshops and rallies in person.

In other news: Both Jasdeep and Chloe have left Jodhpur for various travels and then a return to their respective homes (~tear~). There should be more volunteers coming to live in the guesthouse in the next week, but it won't be the same.

And it is HOT. I've been in 113 degree heat here before, but it cooled down in mid-July. Well now, due to rain, the temperature feels like it's gone up again and even though it's technically only (only?!?) 100 degrees right now, it feels far more oppressive with the humidity. This makes it really, really hard to stay awake, even in a room with a fan, which meant I slept most of my day away, with the exception of a few-hour excursion to a nearby holy garden and to a shop for saffron-flavored ice cream!!!

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