Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Pineapple beer

All I can say is: YUM.

Olivia, the South African chef, taught us a few days ago how to make pineapple beer. All you need is: a few ripe pineapples, water, sugar, and a bucket.
If the pineapples are ripe enough, they will have plenty of yeast in the skin. If they aren't ripe enough, you can add a little more yeast (which we did).
You chop the pineapples up, put them in the water, add a load of sugar and leave the mixture for 2-4 days (depending on the climate of where you are--for us, it took two). Keep tasting it daily until it seems right. Once it seem to have reached the level of alcohol you want, bottle it and put it in the freezer (to stop fermentation). Without putting it in the freezer, it will become more alcoholic each day.

And it was truly fantastic (and so easy!) This is definitely a trick (along with the mango eating) that I will have to bring home with me. And I think Chloe, Jusdeep, Smita and I are going to try other fruits (pomegranates next, then a lemongrass-ginger-pineapple blend...mmmm)

Olivia, chopping the pineapple into slices

The photo is a little dark, but the guy on the yeast box just looks so happy!

Stirring our vat of sugar and water

The pineapples are floating and ready to go...

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