Monday, August 25, 2008

Smita's wedding!

On Thursday afternoon, I received a wonderful call: Apparently over chai that morning, my engaged friend Smita decided to get married on Friday (years before even she originally planned). It was certainly unexpected, but long story short, to everyone's amazement, Veena and Smita managed to put together a beautiful and intimate wedding for Vinay and Smita in Veena's backyard all within 24 hours!

Also to my amazement, I was asked to be a bridesmaid! So I rushed to get a silk sari made (you need to have the blouse and petticoat stitched to fit) and was adorned with the necessary henna in time for the ceremony.

It was lovely afternoon wedding and it was fascinating to be a part of a Hindu ceremony. Though I only understood bits of it, the ceremony seemed really beautiful and included a moment when each member of the couple led the other around a fire, a prayer as the couple took their first steps together, and a moment at the end when the guests threw petals upon the new couple (not too dissimilar to Western traditions of throwing rice and candy on couples as they wed). And as is apparent below, Smita was absolutely glowing throughout the day!

Here are just a fraction of the hundreds of photos I took (as well as some hijacked from my co-bridesmaid, Lillian). Enjoy them! (And congrats again to the beautiful couple!!!!)

Smita looks terrified in this photo, but it's actually a complete misrepresentation: I caught her in the photo like a deer in headlights (and she was smiling seconds before and after I snapped this). But it is an amusing photo of the classic bride looking scared just minutes before her wedding

Lillian getting ready for the ceremony (with some bling of her own, in the form of super-large and super-expensive earrings on loan from a local jewelry shop)

Veena shows off just one of the many pieces of bling that Smita was wearing...this one is an anklet

Putting on the bindi

The bride's last phone conversation as an unmarried woman (with her mother)

The draping of the bridal sari

Smita looks gorgeous, no?

Vinay leading Smita around the fire

Taking their first steps as husband and wife

Posing in my sari (ignore the broken nose, please!)

With the bride, pre-ceremony

From left: Myself; the groom, Vinay; Veena; Smita; Lillian


Getting pumped in the rickshaw

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is absolutely amazing. i'm so happy that you got an opportunity like this!